Economic Model
We have solid tokenomics for the MetaForge token, designed to provide good potential returns for holders and also foster stability within the MetaForge token ecosystem and through extension to our metaverse:
Low $MFORGE total supply
MetaForge tokens are an integral part of our ecosystem and metaverse
Standard vesting schedule put in place for key token allocations
A unique staking program to incentivize all MetaForge holders
Progressive token burn
Deflationary token model
BuyBack Program
We have designed a unique Token Buyback system for MetaForge. For the MetaForge buyback program.
The main aim of the token buyback program is to provide an upward price pressure for the MetaForge token ecosystem, which could happen via token burns and other means that the community will decide through voting.
Staking Program
We have allocated and reserved 11,000,000 MFORGE - 11% of the total supply for the MetaForge staking program.
All MetaForge holders will also have the opportunity to stake their tokens and earn passive income. We have designed our staking model with a minimum token lock period to ensure our staking program is sustainable.
We are offering an initial fixed APY of 30%, which will be decreased systematically over time. Users will get 30% interest for staking in a year, translating to an average reward of 2.5% Monthly, 0.625% weekly, and 0.083% daily.
Time-Frame Rewards
Un-Stake at 1 week or less ⇒ No Bonus (100% bonus remains in the pool) Un-Stake at 2 weeks or less ⇒ Get 50% Bonus only (50% bonus remains in the rewards pool) Un-Stake at 3 weeks or less ⇒ Get 70% Bonus only (30% bonus remains in the rewards pool) Un-Stake at 4 weeks and above ⇒ Get 100% Bonus
Case Study for the Time-frame rewards
If Mr. Smith stakes 10,000 MetaForge tokens and un-stakes in just two weeks (14 Days), he is supposed to get 125 tokens as rewards using our model. But since he is un-staking early at just two weeks, he will only be entitled to 50% of the rewards. So he gets just 62.5 tokens (125/2) because he un-staked early, and the other 62.5 tokens return to the staking pool.
We have allocated 13.64% of the total supply for the $MFORGE-BNB LP staking program.
The LP staking program is designed by the ecosystem to help strengthen and build the MetaForge liquidity pool and also incentivize users who participate in the program.
A user goes to the designated DEX to add liquidity to the $MFORGE liquidity pool and gets the LP tokens in return for adding liquidity to the $MFORGE liquidity pool.
The LP tokens obtained from the DEX for providing liquidity are now staked within the MagnumMeta ecosystem to gain MetaForge as rewards for the duration staked.
LP Staking Rewards APY
The LP lock staking offers users high APYs, but this requires users to lock their staked LP tokens with our staking contract for a specified lock period.
A lock period is when tokens are wholly locked, and users cannot un-stake their tokens within this period. The token holders will decide the Lock Period, as they will be entitled to the set APY for their chosen lock period.
Lock Duration
APY (%)
3 Months
5 Months
8 Months
12 Months
24 Months
P.S. With this feature, rewards can only be withdrawn by users twice every month. To make withdrawal outside the regular schedule, users will be taxed 20% of their rewards paid out. The existing APY will be halved after every 3,000,000 tokens are paid out as rewards.
Last updated